February 1, 2011

League Contest

To make sure that we win a good position in League Prestige Competition I decided to make a League Contest. There will be 3 rewards for the 3 best ranked in Prestige Ladder members each worth 100 Gold Coins. The contest starts on February 2 and ends of February 16. For those that didn't get a reward for participating in the Forum League Assembly Contest  I will grant an extra of 50 Gold Coins. Same goes for first 10 ranked members.

 Attaking blue players gives you more Prestige. Attacking green ones gives you even more but can be tricky for some of you. 
Everyone can use his divinities the way he wants. I will try to use 10 divinities on expedition and 10 for prestige + all the free ones. This way I keep getting Laurels and Drop Items, I keep progressing in the game but climb up in the ranks very fast as well.
You also have an option to exchange Laurels to Prestige at a ratio of 10:1 in the Assembly menu (promotion tab) once every 2 hours and an option to invest in your current Area. To invest in your area just go to the World Map, look for your area and click on "Invest". The formula is: Assembly Level X amount of prosperity added X 2.

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