February 7, 2011

Strong strategies

1) Fast Killing Super-BM Cannon

Requires Bellerophon/Conan or Heracles/similiar line or column striker and Artemis, probably Asclepius (healer) and another hitter like Odysseus.

2) Elemental Crew

Requires a good tank (Kratos/ Achilles/ Polyphemus/ etc), Asclepius to heal, Chiron and/or Hector/ Eurotas, maybe a single BM on the side.

3) Lotsa BM Group

Get a bugler or two to boost morale of your heroes. The rest would be powerful B.M. heroes equipped with decent mounts. This build requires your B.M. guys to be good tanks so they can take a few hits and charge their morale faster. Cavalry type is good because they can dodge. Altough dodging does not charge morale.

4) Hybrid

A few valor snipers (like Odysseus/Minotaur), a tank (Polyphemus), a healer (Asclepius) & a B.M. (Heracles).

February 5, 2011

Our enemies will BURN!

I talked with Damocles (Host of BURN) last night and decided that the best strategy to make our Faction stronger is to merge. Their most active members will join us. Some of them are top players, some of them are new to the game. I'm sure that whatever their experience is they'll fit in quite well in our friendly league. So... let's welcome our new members!

February 2, 2011

League Activities

League Farm Battle: When we have a League Battle going on a box will appear just below the Activity one. Click on it and you'll see the hour when you need to be online in order to join the fight. In League Battles strength is in numbers so don't decide not to join because you're too low level/your formation is not the way you want it etc. You don't lose anything if you join, not even crops. We fight over farms so that we can get a steady crops/drachmas source and become a more powerful League while weakening the others. That's why it's so important to join as often as possible!

Silver Mine Wrestle: The wrestle starts at 11:00 to 12:00 every Summer after Year 185. Be there and grab as many Drachmas as you can while fighting poseidonians and athenians! It's an easy event, try it at least once. You can get A LOT of drachmas in it. The most that I got was 80k at level 30-40 on another server. So what do you say? Is it worth a try?

Joining Requirments

In order to join our League you must be friendly, you must be active and contribute as much as you can. Our level requirment keeps changing and can be found in our League's description in the game. Experienced players and players with high prestige are accepted with priority. Having a custom message while you apply helps! The members of 300 are waiting for you! APPLY NOW!

February 1, 2011

League Contest

To make sure that we win a good position in League Prestige Competition I decided to make a League Contest. There will be 3 rewards for the 3 best ranked in Prestige Ladder members each worth 100 Gold Coins. The contest starts on February 2 and ends of February 16. For those that didn't get a reward for participating in the Forum League Assembly Contest  I will grant an extra of 50 Gold Coins. Same goes for first 10 ranked members.

 Attaking blue players gives you more Prestige. Attacking green ones gives you even more but can be tricky for some of you. 
Everyone can use his divinities the way he wants. I will try to use 10 divinities on expedition and 10 for prestige + all the free ones. This way I keep getting Laurels and Drop Items, I keep progressing in the game but climb up in the ranks very fast as well.
You also have an option to exchange Laurels to Prestige at a ratio of 10:1 in the Assembly menu (promotion tab) once every 2 hours and an option to invest in your current Area. To invest in your area just go to the World Map, look for your area and click on "Invest". The formula is: Assembly Level X amount of prosperity added X 2.

League Rules (Spartan Law)

Because of the inactivity, contribution and progress problems that we're having with some members I decided to set some rules and penalties that will be respected without holding any grudges. Members of 300 will be kicked after some days of inactivity according to their contribution position.

6 days (2, 3)
5 days (4-7)
4 days (8-15)
3 days (15-30)
2 days (31-last)

If you can't log in for a no. of days please mail me or edit your League message to let me know and not kick you.

Those that don't meet the level requirments of joining the League but are already in it (they didn't progressed as they should) are kicked after 1 day of inactivity.

I understand that getting drachmas in this server can be hard and I can't force everyone to contribute but I think that everybody can donate a minimum of 1k/day to the League.

Those that can approve applications make sure that the ones you approve meet our requirments before accepting them in the League.

Change your flags to "300".

Don't attack the farms and silver mines of other members.

Please make sure that you join League Farm Battles as much as you can. Thanks!