February 2, 2011

League Activities

League Farm Battle: When we have a League Battle going on a box will appear just below the Activity one. Click on it and you'll see the hour when you need to be online in order to join the fight. In League Battles strength is in numbers so don't decide not to join because you're too low level/your formation is not the way you want it etc. You don't lose anything if you join, not even crops. We fight over farms so that we can get a steady crops/drachmas source and become a more powerful League while weakening the others. That's why it's so important to join as often as possible!

Silver Mine Wrestle: The wrestle starts at 11:00 to 12:00 every Summer after Year 185. Be there and grab as many Drachmas as you can while fighting poseidonians and athenians! It's an easy event, try it at least once. You can get A LOT of drachmas in it. The most that I got was 80k at level 30-40 on another server. So what do you say? Is it worth a try?

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